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The link below will allow our primary students to access websites they frequently use at school.

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Coke Rewards

Welcome back to a new school year and another year for our school to get rewarded with My Coke Rewards for Schools. Make sure you stock up on your favorite Coca-Cola beverages to get codes, and then enter the codes online to get points and donate them to our school. Thanks for your support!

Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover


The  moral of this saying has great implications!  You can miss out on wonderful things by forming opinions about the outside before looking at what is on the inside.    I hope you enjoy the book review for The Caterpillar and the Polliwog by Jack Kent.  It is my absolute, all-time, favorite!

The Caterpillar and the Polliwog



Welcome to read2exceed!

What can you expect to find on this blog?  You will read about favorite children’s books and authors, lesson plan ideas and activities, and technology.  In addition, you can learn about our school media center’s reading programs, access library forms and resources, and keep up-to-date of upcoming school events.

Happy Reading,

Karen Berry